Physics Committee

Ever felt high because the things you studied haven’t had gravity? Ever slipped because your subjects never grabbed you?

With Physics, you won’t have that problem. Throughout this school year, we will be exploring various career fields that require the knowledge of how the physical world operates. Furthermore, you’ll be able to experience labs and activities that you’ll only normally see in an advanced Physics course.

For those who truly desire to take physics to another level, this school year will culminate in the Physics Olympiad, or the “F=ma” test, a nationally known 75-minute exam testing a majority of mechanics concepts without the use of calculus. If you do awesomely well, you’ll join 400 other students in the International Physics Olympiad.

So why not give it a try and join Physics Committee?

“Physics matters. Everything else doesn’t matter and therefore, has no mass.”

Physics Committee Chair (2016-2017): Daniel Ip14095836_490896291101029_1023970494840965438_n

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