Chemistry Committee

What if I told you that…Everything is Chemistry.

From your favorite ice cream melting to that crazy neighbor lighting his or her cat on fire… Everything is Chemistry.

If you join Chemistry Committee this year, you can expect three clear things that will make up the year’s plan: one, information and learning sessions; two, chemistry focused labs; and three, Chemistry Olympiad.

Within the beginning of the year, we will have some focus towards presentation and group research on specific topics. Not only will you help others learn as you present, but you will also expand your knowledge in Chemistry to a deeper level.

Now, a lot of Chemistry in real life is understood through labs. So how will Chemistry Committee help you learn about Chemistry? We do labs! Chemistry Committee will have labs throughout the year that will be different from what you see normally see in school. Some of them will allow hand to hand interactions while others may be cool demonstrations.

Not only does Chemistry Committee offer opportunities to learn Chemistry, but it also allows you to demonstrate it through Chemistry Olympiad. What is Chemistry Olympiad? Chemistry Olympiad is an annual exam that takes place on the regional, national, and international level. As a member in Chemistry Olympiad, we will work together in preparing for the exam.

So join Chemistry Committee if you truly want to understand how everything functions in our world. Learning, fun, and competition is provided, so why not give it a try?

“Put your pointer finger and thumb together. Now think of a line expanding from the front of your thumb all the way around the universe and back to the front of your pointer finger. Everything on, under, and within the line. Is Chemistry.”

Chemistry Committee Chair (2016-2017): Andy Lau14195980_1113583565345322_2131817605199379608_o.jpg

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